
01/05/00 Trinsic Attacks Begin
01/09/00 Trolls Invade Vesper
01/14/00 Ophidians in Delucia Caves
01/15/00 Strange Occurrences in Realm, Guards Remain Unresponsive
01/20/00 Cities Under Siege Throughout the Mainland
01/21/00 Attacks Intensify
01/24/00 The Invasion Continues
01/24/00 Delucia Under Siege
01/26/00 More Strikes Against Cities
01/27/00 BNN Report
01/28/00 Britain Under Attack Once More
01/28/00 Update from Trinsic
01/28/00 Britain Easily Defended in Early Morning siege
01/28/00 The Trinsic defense, The Alliance prevails
01/29/00 Major assaults on all cities
01/30/00 Keenoean returns to yew
01/30/00 Juo'nar at west gate, north gate discovered by enemies
01/30/00 Gazers join Britain attacks
01/31/00 Shadowclan diplomacy and enemy leaders now fight