January Reports

The War Begins

In this month the attacks began, and the enemy witnessed our strength in numbers as we defend Britannia from the hordes of Ratmen, Lizardmen, Orcs, Gazers, headlesses, Trolls and Undead that attacked cities throughout the land. In this month we would discover the names of our enemies, and would know that the darkest days fall before us, and perhaps the Age of Enlightenment is over, and the Age of Armageddon has begun.

1/5/00 - Report by Gorion

Maybe it was fate, perhaps mere luck that I arrived in Britannia in the city of Trinsic on this very day, for it was the day the war began. Although many found this day to simply be just another day, those in Trinsic were unprepared for what was to come.

As the hot afternoon sun bore down on the city of honor, a wind coming from the west bore an odor. The odor everyone knew of, for it was the smell of death, and as the minutes passed the smelled grew thick, until a man on the western battlements cried out...

"Guards! What are you doing sleeping!? Zombies and Skeletons are approaching the west gate!"

The guards did not respond, even as the undead began to pass the, for The Mistress has a spell conjured that impaired the guards of their ability to see creatures that the mistress and her generals summoned. The guards would do this for many months, forcing soldiers, lumberjacks, archer, and miners like I was, to pick up a sword and defend their lives.

This day many in Britannia wondered what was going on in Trinsic, but Trinsic was not the only target, in days to come Cove, Britain, Yew, and Vesper would begin to feel the brunt of attacks as well.