January Reports

1/28/00 - Report by Eve

I awoke from slumber, drenched in sweat. Another wave of nightmares had interrupted my sleep again, horrific images of the capital in flames, the king crucified and disemboweled atop the Royal Bank...

Shaking such thoughts from my head, I slipped from my bed and quickly dressed, taking a sip from a refreshment potion as I walked to my bookshelves. The potions were becoming a habit, but my body felt too weak and battered to bother resisting the urge, so I let the calming and soothing effect of the red liquid work its magic once more. I pulled my runebook from the shelves and opened it, thoughts of reagent gathering for the coming battles dancing in my head. Britain's shops seemed to have a good supply as of late, with business being so high due to the war, so I turned to the proper page and performed the incantation that would whisk me to the city's streets.

Even so late at night, it seems, the Mistress' forces were on the move. Corpses of ratmen and lizardmen lay strewn about the cobblestone, their blood painting the streets crimson in the pale moonlight. Hearing a scuffle to my left, I quickly brought my quarterstaff to bear and leapt to the aid of a man fending off three ratmen. I noticed he was beginning to stumble, but I found my reagent pouch empty, and could nothing but watch in horror as the attackers' weapons tore him apart. My staff dealt swift vengeance, felling the ratmen in single swipes, but vengeance was bitter, and the man had still lost his life... 

I turned, looking for another target upon which to vent my rage, but I found nothing left alive; the citizens of Britain had banded together and once again held the city safe from capture. Realizing that Papua was rumored to be attacked soon, I decided to stay at the Inn in the Lost Lands, in case I was needed during the defense of the frontier city. As I began the trip to the New Lands, I soon realized that only in my dreams will the defense of Britain remain this easy...only in my sweetest dreams...