January Reports

1/30/00 - Report by Eve

Another attack in Yew, today. I grow tired of writing of the carnage, but I must continue my reports. The defenders cut up the bodies of the attackers upon victory today, spreading their blood about the field. Sickened by the acts of barbarism, I shuddered, realizing this was not a good indication that the men are still in good spirits. The sight of Keeonean appearing in the Abbey did not help the situation either, where he once again wandered silently under the protection of the guards... 

A foray into Trinsic was met with increasing swarms of undead, a battalion of wraiths seething through the west gate...beyond the bridges into the central parts of town, a more heated battle was engaged, mummies once again sighted wandering the streets... During a later battle at the front gates, the lich lord Juo'nar suddenly appeared, rushing through our midst and vanishing before anyone could take action. His troops seemed to energize in his wake, and the battle waged on with more ferocity than before... 

Juo'nar was later sighted stealing a note detailing the use of Trinsic's North Gate from the Paladin's Library, but not before some of the defenders were able to record its contents. Once again, the lich lord escaped unscathed, but his forces were not so lucky...an attack on the West Bank was quickly felled, leaving a pile of corpses littering the streets...

Hours after the battle had ended, and after a short stint of sleep, I arrived back in the city to find the defense back in full swing. It seems lessons are learned quickly by our countrymen, and the city will not go undefended again. I only pray the same can be said for weaker cities, such as Cove.